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News & Announcements

Janngo’s vision of “The Africa of Tomorrow” : Opportunities, Challenges and Entrepreneurship.

Discover Janngo’s vision of “The Africa of Tomorrow” by coming alive again, Fatoumata Bâ‘s speech in front of 42 000 entreprenors and innovators on the scene of BIG (Paris), an event organised by BPI France (Public Investment Bank of France). [...]


Janngo 1er social startup studio africain, lance Jexport afin d’accélérer l’accès au marché régional & international des PMEs africaines.

Grâce à Jexport, sa plateforme d’import-export clé-en-main, Janngo apporte une solution aux problématiques de compétitivité des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises en Côte d’Ivoire afin de démocratiser l’export et d’accélérer leur intégration aux chaînes de valeur régionales et mondiales. [...]


Janngo, Founding Member of the French-Nigerian Business & Investment Club

A tribute to Lagos at the occasion of President Macron’s official visit” by Fatoumata Bâ, Founder & Executive Chair of Janngo and Managing Partner of Janngo Capital [...]


Viva_technology Janngo’s Founder & CEO will give a keynote Talk during Viva Technology on Tech for Good in Africa on May 24th and 26th.

As a woman inspiring the future of African Tech for Good, Janngo’s Founder & CEO, Fatoumata Bâ has been invited to give a keynote Talk on May 24th and 26th. Both through her experience co-leading and growing Africa’s first unicorn and within Janngo. [...]


Janngo raises seed funding with top-tier investors to shape digital ecosystems and create panafrican tech champions

Janngo, 1st Social Startup Studio in Africa, closes first funding round to launch new digital platforms offering solutions to African SMEs, with an inclusive approach [...]


Janngo’s Founder & CEO shares her vision on bridging the gender gap in the African tech scene during Africa Tech Summit London

As a woman inspiring the future of African Tech, Janngo’s Founder & CEO, Fatoumata Bâ was invited by IFC to share a testimony of challenges faced and lessons learned as a young West African female having held several leadership positions as a tech entrepreneur in Africa with a global recognition. [...]


Ivory Coast unveils international trade ambitions during conference in Abidjan

The Trade Minister of Ivory Coast, M. Souleymane Diarrassouba & the Executive Director of the International Trade Center, Mrs. Arancha Gonzales co-chaired a round table in Abidjan to share how technology in general an digital in particular can be enablers of international trade. [...]


Janngo participated to President Emmanuel Macron first official visit to Senegal, showcasing how technology and entrepreneurship can be strong driver of economic growth and social impact

In the wake of the Global Partnership for Education conference held in Dakar on February 2nd, Janngo joined the delegation of President Emmanuel Macron for his first official visit to Senegal. [...]


 Janngo represented at “Choose France!” summit, a great sign for “Tech for Good” in Africa

As a leading tech for good platform in Africa, Janngo was represented at “Choose France!” summit by Fatoumata BA, its Founder & CEO. The summit gathered nearly 140 Chairmans & CEOs, representing some of the world’s largest companies in a variety of sectors, from the automotive industry to new technologies, agri-food, financial services and healthcare, such as Alibaba, Dangote Group and Facebook. [...]