Sustainability policy
Janngo’s Impact Investment approach entails a full integration of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) issues in the investment decision-making process and is guided by a series of policies and processes. This includes an Impact & ESG Framework, as well as Investment Code on ESG and a proprietary Environmental, Social & Governance Management System (ESMS). Through effective management of ESG issues, we seek to not only manage risks and add value to business, but also be a positive influencer and contributor in the markets we serve and in the broader global community.
Janngo aims to achieve both financial and ESG impact by focusing on business models with positive ESG impact and by being actively involved through its capacity building approach. To make sure we are making the right investment decisions, we implement data-driven processes with tailored performance indicators to measure ESG impact in addition to financial returns.
To find out more about Janngo’s ESG Management System, click here.
Case studies
Regulatory disclosure (in French) - Communications réglementaires
Rapport au titre de l'Article 29 de la Loi Énergie Climat
- Janngo Capital Startup Fund - Exercice 2021
- Janngo Capital Startup Fund - Exercice 2022
- Janngo Capital Startup Fund - Exercice 2023
Publication d'information en matière de durabilité
Déclaration d'absence de prise en compte des principales incidences négatives en matière de durabilité (« PAI ») en vertu de l’Article 4 du règlement Disclosure SFDR
Autres informations
Informations périodiques pour les produits financiers visés à l’article 8, paragraphes 1, 2 et 2 bis, du règlement (UE) 2019/2088 et à l’article 6, premier alinéa, du règlement (UE) 2020/852 :
Informations précontractuelles pour les produits financiers visés à l’article 8, paragraphes 1, 2, et 2 bis, du règlement (UE) 2019/2088 :
Politique de rémunération