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News & Announcements

Janngo at VivaTech 2019 speaking about investor bias and the reasons behind the lack of funding in African projects and startups.

"Last year, $1Bn was raised in Africa overall but 90% of this money went to 3 countries : Nigeria, Egypt and South Africa” explains Fatoumata Bâ, CEO of Janngo, [...]


Fatoumata Bâ, Janngo’s Founder & CEO, invited by CNBC Africa to talk about How digital economy can accelerate Africa’s integration?

“When you look in the world where technology is leapfrogging financial services, it’s not in Silicon Valley, in Korea, in China or in Japan, it’s in Kenya ! (…) because Technology came as a solution to a problem.” highlighted Fatoumata Bâ, Janngo’s Founder & CEO on CNBC Africa. [...]


Janngo opening the Transform Africa Summit 2019 in Kigali.

Fatoumata BA, Janngo’s Founder & CEO, has opened the Transform Africa Summit with H.E Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, Hon. Paula Ingabire, Minister of #ICT and #Innovation, M. Strive Masiyiwa, Chairman & Founder of Econet Group Ltd and Lerato Mbele, News Anchor, #BBC World News. [...]


Janngo marraine le #SIBC, un programme d’accélération de l’Innovation Sociale et Inclusive en Afrique conçu par l’Agence Française de Développement

“L’Afrique est un concentré des défis de l’humanité en termes d’accès à l’Energie, à l’Education et d’accès aux Marchés pour les PMEs. Donc, c’est le continent où la Tech doit être au service du Bien Commun et de l’Economie Réelle” explique Fatoumata Bâ, CEO de Janngo et marraine de 44 startups venues de 18 pays d’Afrique. [...]


Janngo received by The Prime Minister of IvoryCoast, the Minister of the Digital Economy and his beninoise counterpart

Janngo was honoured to meet M. Amadou Gon Coulibaly, Prime Minister of Ivory Coast, M. Claude Issac Dé, Minister of the Digital Economy and the Post Office of Ivory Coast, and his counterpart from Benin, Mrs Aurelie Ilimatou ADAM SOULE, Minister of the Digital Economy and the Communication of Benin. [...]


Janngo, launches Jexport to accelerate access to regional & international market for African SMEs

Through Jexport, its turnkey import-export platform, Janngo brings a solution to Small and Medium Enterprises competitiveness challenges in Ivory Coast in order to democratize export and accelerate their integration into regional and global value chains. [...]


Janngo’s vision of “The Africa of Tomorrow” : Opportunities, Challenges and Entrepreneurship.

Discover Janngo’s vision of “The Africa of Tomorrow” by coming alive again, Fatoumata Bâ‘s speech in front of 42 000 entreprenors and innovators on the scene of BIG (Paris), an event organised by BPI France (Public Investment Bank of France). [...]


Janngo 1er social startup studio africain, lance Jexport afin d’accélérer l’accès au marché régional & international des PMEs africaines.

Grâce à Jexport, sa plateforme d’import-export clé-en-main, Janngo apporte une solution aux problématiques de compétitivité des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises en Côte d’Ivoire afin de démocratiser l’export et d’accélérer leur intégration aux chaînes de valeur régionales et mondiales. [...]


Janngo, Founding Member of the French-Nigerian Business & Investment Club

A tribute to Lagos at the occasion of President Macron’s official visit” by Fatoumata Bâ, Founder & Executive Chair of Janngo and Managing Partner of Janngo Capital [...]


Viva_technology Janngo’s Founder & CEO will give a keynote Talk during Viva Technology on Tech for Good in Africa on May 24th and 26th.

As a woman inspiring the future of African Tech for Good, Janngo’s Founder & CEO, Fatoumata Bâ has been invited to give a keynote Talk on May 24th and 26th. Both through her experience co-leading and growing Africa’s first unicorn and within Janngo. [...]