About: janngo
Posts by janngo:
- For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment. Posted on in Uncategorised
- Dabchy closes its pre-Series A funding round to diversify its offering and accelerate its growth in North Africa and the Middle East Posted on in Uncategorised
- Dabchy clôture sa levée de fonds en pré-serie A pour diversifier son offre et accélérer sa croissance en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient Posted on in Uncategorised
- Janngo Capital annonce le closing final, à hauteur de $78 millions, du premier fonds technologique de capital-risque pour l’égalité des genres en Afrique Posted on in Uncategorised
- Janngo Capital has reached the final close of its oversubscribed $78 million fund, marking Africa’s largest gender-equal tech VC fund Posted on in Uncategorised
- Critical capital: closing the $160 trillion women’s wealth gap Posted on in Uncategorised
- LAfricaMobile raises €4.3m ($4.6m) to become the leader in Cloud Communication in French-speaking Africa. Posted on in Uncategorised
- YoLa Fresh lève 7 millions de dollars pour transformer la chaîne d’approvisionnement des produits frais en Afrique Posted on in Uncategorised
- YoLa Fresh Secures $7 Million Pre-Series A round, Set to Revolutionize Africa’s Fresh Food Supply Chain Posted on in Uncategorised
- LAfricaMobile lève 4,3 M€ (4,6 M$) pour devenir leader du Cloud Communication en Afrique francophone. Posted on in Uncategorised